Patient’s Bill of Rights and Responsibilities

Patient’s Rights
You have the right:
1. To considerate and respectful service.
2. To obtain service without regard to race, creed, national origin, sex, age, disability or illness, or religious affiliation.
3. To confidentiality of all information pertaining to you, your medical care and service.
4. To a timely response to your request for service and to expect continuity of services.
5. To select the home medical equipment supplier of your choice.
6. To make informed decisions regarding your care planning.
7. To be told what service will be provided in your home, how often, and by whom.
8. To agree to or refuse any part of the plan of service or plan of care.
9. To an explanation of charges including policy for payment.
10. To voice grievances without fear of termination of service of other reprisals.
11. To have your wishes honored as they apply to advance directives you have formulated.
12. To have your pain assessed as it relates to the services provided.
13. To have your communication needs met.

Patient’s Responsibilities
You have the responsibility:
1. To ask questions about any part of the plan of service or plan of care that you do not understand.
2. To protect the equipment from fire, water, theft of other damage while it is in your possession.
3. To use the equipment for the purpose for which it was prescribed, following instructions provided for use, handling, care, safety, and cleaning.
4. To supply us with needed insurance information necessary to obtain payment for services and assume responsibility for charges not covered. You are responsible for settlement in full of your account.
5. To be at home for a scheduled service visits or notify us in advance to make other arrangements.
6. To notify us immediately of:
a. Equipment failure, damage, or need of supplies
b. Any change in your prescription or physician
c. Any change or loss in insurance coverage
d. Any change in address or telephone number, whether permanent or temporary
e. Discontinued equipment or services
7. To be respectful of the property owned by our company and considerate of our personnel.
8. To contact us if you acquire an infectious disease during the time we provide services.